I would like to work with family ministries (marriage, parenting, finances, etc.)
I would like to be part of a potluck team (hosting, serving, set-up, clean-up, etc.)
I would like to provide transportation for people needing a ride.
I would be willing to serve as an usher.
I would like to help with maintenance work on the church building or grounds.
I would like to help provide security for our facilities on Sabbath and for other church gatherings.
I would enjoy being involved with men’s ministries.
I would enjoy being involved with women’s ministries.
I have a knack for decorating.
I would be willing to help with baby or wedding showers.
I would enjoy helping plan social events for the church family.
I have a passion for prayer ministry (prayer groups, prayer chain, etc.)
I am interested in small group ministry (hosting, leading, contacting, etc.)
I would be willing to open my home for other events or ministries.
I would like to help with community service projects (food baskets, making/providing clothing and quilts, etc.)
I would like to be involved in homeless ministry.
I would like to be involved in prison ministry.
I would like to inform the church of current issues pertaining to religious liberty.